“I want to stop POP from taking over my life!”

You get a diagnosis of Pelvic Organ Prolapse and feel incredibly blind sided. 

You turn to Google and POP forums at all hours of the day only to find an abundance of conflicting and confusing information.

You feel incredibly overwhelmed and frozen by your POP symptoms.

Even when your symptoms are quiet, you find yourself thinking about and worrying about POP. 

Pelvic Organ Prolapse consumes your thoughts and is robbing you of important moments.

You find yourself thinking…

“I wish I had been more careful.” You are struggling with self-blame and are searching for that one thing you could have done differently to prevent it.

“I feel so broken.” You find yourself stuck in comparison. Comparison to your old body or to other peoples’ postpartum journey and recovery.

“It’s not fair!” You find yourself stuck in anger about the information or care that you did or DID NOT receive.

“Nothing helps!” When your POP symptoms flare up, they hijack your day, leaving you feeling frustrated & helpless.

“But what is it gets worse?” This worry consumes you, leaving you scared and constantly unsure how to move and be in your body.

You are feeling distracted, disconnected, and alone.

You are not alone! And you can stop POP from robbing you of the here and now!

Imagine, having the tools to find more joy, pleasure, and presence in your POP Recovery.


You take your kiddos to the park and are focused on their laughter...instead of worrying about POP.


You go out for a hike with your family and are focused on how it feels to be outdoors...instead of worrying about POP.


You strap your baby on your body and can focus on the feel of that soft fuzzy head and the sense of connection that you get...instead of worrying about POP.


You can feel well equipped to manage POP sensations without them hijacking your attention and your day.

  • You can reconnect with your body sensations in a way that feels safe and supportive
  • POP doesn’t have to consume your thoughts.
  • You can be present with the important people and activities in your life.

The best part? 

There is help, and you don’t have to do it alone.

The Mindfulness 4 POP Program will give you the tools you need to integrate mindfulness into your POP Recovery so that you can kick pelvic organ prolapse out of the driver’s seat of your life in order to get yourself firmly back in!


This 10 week program will help you use evidence-based mindfulness techniques to find more presence, reconnect with your body, manage challenging thoughts and worries effectively, and work with the anger and self-blame that can often arise while making sense of pelvic organ prolapse.

Hi I’m Lara!

Just like you, I have Pelvic Organ Prolapse. I was diagnosed with a Grade 3 uterine prolapse and a Grade 2 rectocele after the birth of my 2nd baby.

This diagnosis was devastating for me and consumed my focus and attention for the first chunk of my postpartum period. I struggled with the impact it was having on my mental health and my capacity to live my life.


I used my experience as a mental health Occupational Therapist to support my own healing and then dove into continuing education and began working as an OT in the field of pelvic health. I am passionate about the work that I now do with womxn who have POP to help them find more presence, agency and fun in their recovery.


But I wanted to reach MORE womxn just like you and that is how the Mind Your POP Programs were born.

In the Mindfulness 4 POP Program, you will discover...

  • How to find more presence in the parts of your life that are important to you.

  • How to curiously and compassionately reconnect with your body.

  • How to manage challenging thoughts and worries about POP effectively.

  • How to work with the anger and self-blame that can often arise while making sense of pelvic organ prolapse.

  • How to find moments of joy, connection, and pleasure so that you can start to feel like yourself again.

In this 10 week mindfulness series, you will gain evidence-based methods to help you manage POP symptoms in your day-to-day life with greater ease and agency!

I'll Show You How!

Sneak Peek...

  • Come back to the present

    You will learn how to recognize signs that you are caught up in a POP storm. You will learn how to drop anchor in these moments so that you can come back to the here and choose a response with greater presence and intention.

  • Tune into the body

    You will learn how to turn towards the body with compassion so that you can access the information being stored there. You will learn some strategies for breaking the POP sensation/tension cycle in order to find moments where you can safely reconnect to your body with greater agency.

  • Respond to POP stories

    You will have the opportunity to get curious about your “POP stories”, identifying the thoughts that are helpful and perhaps less helpful in your recovery. You will gain strategies for responding to difficult POP stories as they arise in challenging moments.

  • Manage anger & self-blame

    You will learn about the nature of anger and be able to re-frame anger as a useful, albeit uncomfortable emotion. You will gain awareness of the responses to anger that could be keeping you stuck. You will learn new responses to anger & self-blame that will serve you well in your POP recovery.

  • Communicate Your Needs

    You will gain strategies and scripts to help you identify and communicate your needs to supportive loved ones that may not fully understand or know how to help.

  • Navigate Set Backs

    You will build a POP Hijack Wellness Plan, equipping you to navigate set backs in your recovery with self-compassion, flexibility and agency.

What are Participants Saying?

"The mindfulness for POP program has already infinitely improved my quality of life in just a few short weeks. I find that I am able to better identify when I’m in a tailspin and step outside of the chaos of my emotions and better ground and analyze what is happening and what my needs might be in that moment. I am way less critical of my experience which is a HUGE win. The course far exceeded my expectations… I came in a little sceptical and a lot traumatized and I am leaving the program empowered and wanting more. Thanks so much Lara for providing this information and space."

The "pleasure snack" is what I have actually been able to bring into my life this week. Although it is hard to catch it in the moment, thinking through triggers that impact my thoughts, sensations and behaviours helps me to more easily look back at moments and identify where I got "hooked."

"A big take away for me is that I am not alone in how I feel and there are things I can work on to help me manage this anxiety."

"When I feel a flare up, I try a breathing technique, drop anchor and remind myself that something, perhaps in my grasp, is contributing to my symptoms and maybe I have some control to make a change...listen to my needs and respect my body."


What you will find inside:

5 Workshops – Broken down into 16 lessons that you can work through at your pace!

A Guided Practice at each workshop - Experience the skills that you will learn about.

2 “Tuck Away Tools” at each workshop – Gain simple practices that will help you to integrate each mindfulness approach into your day to day life.

Your Own Workbook - Reflect and integrate these concepts into your POP journey.

Audio Only Recordings - You have your hands full! Audio recordings of each lesson are available  so that you can listen in on the go.

Templates and Examples – Review how other womxn have used these tools in order to help you put them into action.

A Library of 10 Audio Files – Guided practices that are yours to keep!

2 BONUS lessons - Helping you to more effectively access your breath as a grounding tool.

A Suggested Schedule - Breaking down the lessons and missions over a period of 10 weeks to support you with fitting it in, digesting the lessons (1-2/week) and taking action!

A POP Hijack Wellness Plan -Helping you to keep building on your progress after completing this program.

Lifetime Access - So that you can come back to this work as your POP recovery evolves. 

"Prolapse has me so lost emotionally so it was really great to have some of my wild thoughts broken down for me when it feels like a whirlwind. Makes me feel like the emotion is more accessible and even like I have more power. I liked that you gave lots of examples of situations and wording bc sometimes it can seem so abstract and overwhelming so that was very helpful again to make it feel more accessible and easier to comprehend ."

"My biggest take away is that I have some power in this. It was a lot to digest in a good way and I plan to come back to it a few times over the next few months to continue to absorb ."


  • Will I have access to Lara?

    Yes! Stay in touch throughout the program by completing the regular checkpoints or you can email your wins, insights & questions directly to [email protected]!

  • Will this replace a need for psychotherapy?

    If you are struggling with Depression, Anxiety, Suicidality, Trauma, Addictions, an Eating Disorder, or Psychosis, we highly recommend connecting with a skilled psychotherapist in your area for support. The Mind Your POP™ program is focused on supporting you with navigating your relationship with your prolapse. While you will likely see an improvement in your mental health and outlook as you implement these strategies, the program is not a replacement for skilled, individualized psychotherapy. The program can be a wonderful supplement to psychotherapy and help you to gain strategies to manage the mindset hurdles that can accompany Pelvic Organ Prolapse specifically.

  • What if I don't like the program?

    We are confident that you will love it! That said, we are happy to offer a 30 day money back guarantee. If, after purchase, you decide this program is not for you, shoot us an email within 30 days of your purcahse and we will be happy to refund your money!

Still have questions? We would love to help!

Contact us today at [email protected]